Summer Skincare Must Haves For A Nighttime Routine

During the warmer months, as well as the colder months, I like to use a lot of vitamin C and AHA in my skincare routine. If you are not familiar with what AHA stands for it is Alpha hydroxi acids (this ingredient helps with texture and anti-aging). 

Recently, I’ve been using two products that I’d like to review. The first is the Ellen Tracy Vitamin C Overnight Brightening Mask. The second is the Ole Henrikson Invigorating Night Serum. 

I will use each of these products interchangeably during the week, usually rotate them each night. When I’m feeling my skin is a little more dry I will use the Elle Tracy Vitamin C Overnight Beightening Mask. This mask is a gel formula that is particularly thick. Your skin will wake up feeling very hydrated after using this. I will not go in with any face moisturizer when I apply it, I’ll go in with my eye serum and eye moisturizer then apply the mask to my neck, face and décolletage. 

If my skin is acting temperamental or I’m having some issues with a breakout I will use the Ole Henrikson Invigorating Night Serum. This product holds a lot of the AHA properties I previously mentioned, which is great for taking care of fine lines, wrinkles, texture, pore size and can help with dullness. This truly is a skin changing product. For the first couple application I noticed a tingling in my skin due to all the active ingredients working (and for a skincare nerd like me it was pretty awesome). After I apply this to my face, neck and décolletage I will lock it in with a moisturizer – OH carries his invigorating night moisturizer made to be used in accordance with this serum but I haven’t picked it up yet, maybe that will be next!

Thanks for stopping on my blog! Have a magical Monday! Xx

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